Accord Literary Writing Workshop at Pa Gya

In collaboration with Accord Literary, Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra announces the opening of applications for the Accord Young Adult Fiction Workshop. The workshop focuses on creative writing aimed at young adults between the ages of 8 and 18 years. The workshop will run for three days during the festival, from 13th October to 15th October 2022 and is open to writers in Ghana who write for the specified age group.
Applications will be received until 11th September 2022.
ABOUT ACCORD LITERARY Accord Literary is an initiative that aims to mentor, develop and encourage writers based in Africa writing books for young readers. Working across various countries and by combining the experience of respected professionals, we will focus on developing talent based in Africa. Our mission is to find original and unique voices and get their books into the hands of readers around the world.ELIGIBILITY