Writers for August - Mamle Kabu and Kuukua Yomekpe
You are cordially invited to this month's book reading and discussion by the Writers' Project of Ghana, featuring writers Mamle Kabu (2009 Caine Prize nominee) and Kuukua Dzigbordi Yomekpe, reading from an anthology in which they have both been published: "African Women Writing Resistance: Contemporary Voices," edited by Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez and published by University of Wisconsin Press, 2010; a collection of stories, poems and essays from 31 women in 11 countries.Mamle Kabu is a writer of Ghanaian and German parentage. Educated in Ghana and the UK, she has a BA/MA in Modern Languages and an M.Phil in Latin-American Studies from Cambridge University. She has lived in Ghana since 1992 and works as a freelance consultant in development issues. One of her short stories, "The End of Skill," was nominated for the Caine Prize for African Writing in 2009. Mamle has also been nominated for the 2011 Burt Award for children's writing, for her story ‘The Kaya-Girl.’
Kuukua Dzigbordi Yomekpe was born in Ghana and immigrated to the U.S. at 19. She has a B.A. and M.A. in English from the University of Dayton. Kuukua is the author of several prose poems and essays. She is currently contributing to an anthology titled "African Women in Motion" and is also working on "The Coal Pot", a Culinary Memoir celebrating her Ghanaian roots, "Musings of an African Woman", a collection of personal essays about immigration and assimilation, and "The Innocents", an adolescent mystery novel.
You are invited to share in an exciting evening with these writers. There will be a short discussion session after the readings, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Limited copies of the book will be on sale.
Details of the programme are:
Date: Wednesday, 31st August, 2011. Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Location: Goethe Institute, 30 Kakramadu Road, (next to NAFTI) Cantonments, Accra. Admission is free.