Delali Avemega

Delali Avemega

Delali Avemega is a dad, artpreneur, producer, illustrator and children's book writer. On a quest for children's books when he had his first child, he realised a lot of the children's books he came across were foreign and the local ones he found did not hold much interest for his daughter. Being an illustrator, he thought, why not create a story that was interesting and had characters his daughter could relate to. On why the character Lulu, Delali had quite a bit to say. While he initially chose the name Lulu because it was catchy and fairly common, he soon realised that the name had very positive meanings (gem, brave, fame) in different places.

He wanted a character that dark skinned children all over Africa and the rest of the world could relate to and so Lulu was born. In the books, Lulu is raised by her grandmother, in a village no less, and no mention is made of her parents. This, apparently, is a very deliberate choice and Dela's way of fostering appreciation for elderly members of society who for one reason or the other wind up raising their grandchildren.

You can find Delali on Facebook and Twitter via the handle @DelaAvemega.